Consumer Research

The first decade of the new millennium brought about never-before-seen challenges in the field of consumer goods marketing. The market is saturated, consumer loyalty is on the decline, globalization results in increased pressure from the competition, and the fragmented nature of the market imposes limits on cost-effective mass-production. As a result of these changes, product life cycle curves are becoming radically shorter, chances of a new product failing are higher and the production costs of goods attractive for mass markets are steadily rising.

In this environment, successful brand management requires up-to-the-minute and reliable information about both markets as well as consumers. It takes creative solutions to set a product apart from the competition, using “what if…” scenarios and benchmarking. All of this requires tried-and-tested, validated forecast tools which guarantee returns on investments even when the costs of product development are high.

With research experience and the development of our unique, custom-tailored solutions relying on refined management support tools, NFO/Cognative is able to contribute significantly to your long-term success. Our quality services, reliable data-collection and decision-oriented analysis, coupled with an in-depth understanding of the market, together result in targeted recommendations and proposals. Through our comprehensive market and methodological expertise, we are able to produce thorough and detailed solutions for targeted marketing tasks.

Our marketing research skills and products support you at any stage of the brand management process.

For additional information, please contact our consultants.

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